Joe Burrow must feel like Kamala Harris today. You do all the right things, day after day, week after week, and still, you lose......
It was going pretty well today. I got back into some podcasts, most that didn't address why we actually didn't choose the best candidate for President, but nonetheless, I got back in. I wanted to hear from like minded people. People who, like me, were in different depths of despair. I wanted camaraderie. I needed it. I have a twenty-two year-old straight white son whom by all accounts is a good man. He is paying attention. He is a "guys guy" yet lives in this house with two disabled siblings that are nonverbal, and he loves them and helps care for them. It's been a tough pill to swallow that 51% of the population does not care about them, even those closest to us. It is that simple, he sees it clearly now, and it draws him closer to us. I hate and love this.
He explained in his own eloquent way why most of his friends voted the way they did. That they, in fact, were the ones that are not seen. He made some valid points, I tried to make him feel heard. He, of course, reassured me that he would never vote for Trump, but wanted to give me context, and believe it or not, I listened.
He then asked me about abortion, about Florida. I explained how the people were silenced. Their majority at 57% didn't matter. How DeSantis manipulated this "vote' and got his six week ban. The people did not want this, but this is what they got. I explained that 90% of abortions happened in the first trimester and those after were largely because there was something wrong with the pregnancy and carrying that fetus to term could harm the mother irreparably. How women were dying because doctors hand's were tied, they couldn't help because of fear of retaliation. I reiterated women were dying. He had the nerve to ask again asked, "do you think there should be any ban." I looked at him and he looked away, afraid.
It's like he couldn't hear me. So I said, "It is not my business. It is not your business. It is not the government's business."
His father made the valid point that most people that want to control women's bodies were scared of a freakin' Covid vaccine, that is rich isn't it?
I don't understand why this is up for debate, but I appreciated the back and forth because he clearly wanted to understand my rage.
I tried to lighten the mood so I told him then we were going to have to monitor his ejaculate. He might not want to leave the state in case a condom broke, or heaven forbid he didn't use one at all and there is viable embryo out there that might be his. He is going to have to stick around. You can imagine his faee. His smirk. Yet, he got it.
Most won't, of course, I saw the red, you saw the red, we all saw red on Tuesday night. They just do not get it.
He is a damn fine young man and I heard him today and he heard me. It doesn't change anything, but at least we continued the conversation.
I will live to fight another day because vulnerable people who cannot fight for themselves depend on me. Sometimes that is all I can do.